Our Specialty
We are primarily known for our reliable packaging of sensitive products like antifreeze, oil, diesel exhaust fluid, dry chemicals, cleaners, windshield wash, and agricultural products.
Our services don’t stop with packaging!
We also help our clients with product blending and processing, quality control testing, storage, shipping, and blow mold bottle manufacturing.
To learn more about our packaging specialties, click here:

Our Reputation
With nearly 50 years of excellent service under our belts, South Atlantic Services, Inc. has become one of the top contract packagers in the U.S.
When you choose South Atlantic Services, you can expect...
Reliable execution of your packaging requirements
Precise, on-time delivery
Dedication to preserving product quality
And efficient, cost-effective service
At SAS, we strive to meet and exceed customer expectations. As a result, we’re the packaging company of choice for some of the largest commercial suppliers in the world!
Customer Satisfaction results from:
S pecifications met every time
A bility to respond quickly
S hipments accurate and on time

Our Mission
We are committed to satisfying customer requirements and to continually improving our quality and customer satisfaction.
The company quality motto is:
Give the customer what they want, with Safety, Quality and Efficiency in Mind.
Founded in 1971, South Atlantic Services, Inc. is dedicated to being one of the top contract packagers in the country. Our company specializes in antifreeze, oil, diesel exhaust fluid, windshield wash, dry chemicals, cleaners, and agricultural products. SAS services some of the largest suppliers in the world, while consistently meeting and exceeding customer packaging requirements, delivery schedules, and quality specifications in a cost-effective manner.
Our Partnerships and Certifications